UPDATED: MyUS.com Review: Fast International Shipping From The US

Just as I promised some months back after an update on my ShippyMe experience, I have finally given MyUS a try and I have to say I’ve got absolutely no complaints whatsoever. The service delivers via DHL and FedEx mainly and at first look is quite pricey but there’s a big way of cutting down on costs.

I’m going to keep this as short as possible. The process is like every other shipping service out there. You sign up for an account and then you’re given a personal dress where you can ship your items to. Afterwards when you have all your goods at your MyUS, you create a shipment request and MyUS ships out your goods as soon as possible and bills you.

I got a $100 Amazon Gift Card and decided to splurge on two 64GB Class 10 SanDisk microSD card  and two 1.8A BlackBerry chargers.

SanDisk Ultra MicroSD card BlackBerry 1.8A Fast Charger

How To Save Costs Shipping Via MyUS.com

If you have a GTBank MasterCard, sign up for MyUS.com via this link. Amongst other benefits it waives $20 setup fee and offers you 2 years premium membership worth $120 free of charge.

Do not order stuff you may wish to review in pictures before they are shipped to Nigeria. MyUS charges a fee for this.

In your Account area, right under Shipping Preferences be sure to select Least Expensive Option as your preferred shipping method. Using their shipping calculator, my 1.1 Pound package was supposed to cost $54 via DHL but when they finally shipped it, they used FedEx International Economy which cost $48. I got my package within 6 days weekend included. The thing is shipping rates fluctuate so this option is the best.


MyUS.com Shipping Rates & Discounts


Still on the shipping preference page, scroll down and under Proforma Invoice options select Mark items “For Personal Use Only“. I hear this helps to avoid unnecessary customs wahala though that doesn’t mean you can evade custom charges for shipping large stuff like laptops. Make sure you select Shipping Insurance to protect you should in case your package goes missing or is damaged. They don’t charge for insurance unless the worth of your shipment is over $100.

WARNING: Don’t go cheap and skip on insurance. You’ve been warned.

I checked the weight of my package when it arrived and it was exactly 1.1Ibs as MyUS had reported so I’m happy to say they don’t inflate weight packages to take more cash off customers. In fact at the moment until April, they are offering True Price discount which doesn’t take into consideration the size of what you’re shipping. They charge you for just the weight. Click for more details.

I have to say my first experience with MyUS.com was a nice one but I hope the quality of service doesn’t suffer with subsequent purchases. In comparison with my first ShippyMe order which cost $40, MyUS.com was faster for less cost.

My only problem is with FedEx! They didn’t call me that my package had arrived. Instead they made a colleague of mine sign for it which I did not like at all ‘cause the package could go missing in the hands of the wrong person plus you have nosy folks, who delight in opening packages that aren’t theirs. FedEx needs to work on their tracking also ‘cause as at Sunday Morning my package was reportedly still in Lagos thus I was surprised when my colleague called me on Monday that he had received a package on my behalf. If tracking was on point, I would have gone to their office to pick my package myself instead of having them hand it over to God knows who.

That’s all I’ve got on MyUS.com. If you’ve got questions, as always do please make use of the comment section below.


UPDATE 4th March, 2015 5.35AM: I left out one IMPORTANT detail which one of you guys just pointed out in his post. MyUS keeps your credit card details on file and charges it automatically thus when your membership fee expires, you get billed for the next year without any warning. As at the moment, they have no way of cancelling membership subscriptions unless you go through the Need More Help? Send a message section of their contact page.

I really don’t like the look of this ’cause this means I might have to cancel my GTBank Debit Dollar MasterCard and get a new one if they pussyfoot around my membership cancellation request. Another unnecessary $38 charge :(

UPDATE 4th March, 2015 3.38PM: Ryan at MyUS.com just read this review and in continuation is what he has to say regarding cancellation issues. This coupled with the prompt response time has put my mind at ease ;-)

I see that you have updated your post with concerns over our cancellation policy and the fact that your card is kept on file while your membership is active.

I certainly understand your concerns and would want reassurance as well that my requests are handled with care and timeliness.

Although at this time we do not offer an online option to close an account, the process we have incorporated is still very easy and accommodating. We do ask that you contact us with your request to cancel which will allow us to handle any possible unresolved issues, but also gather any feedback that may be able to assist us in improving our services. My apologies if this process has left with you with any apprehension, however there is no greater importance than servicing our members to the best of our abilities. I look forward to assisting you in the future in any capacity possible.

Kind regards,


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