My NetFlix & Deezer Experience: Pros & Cons

If we are really being honest, at some point in our lives we’ve all being guilty of piracy…even those fighting eagerly against it. I’ve always looked forward to when I’d start paying to watch shows or listen to music so when I woke up 3 months back, bored outta my mind and having nothing to shop for, I decided now would be a good time to sign up for Netflix and any cheap music streaming service out there. I went with Deezer ’cause they had a $5 monthly plan and there was no payment hassle such like the one Apple indirectly introduced for Nigerians.


Netflix Deezer Review

Pros of Netflix and Deezer

  1. Data Friendly Downloads: You get to choose the audio or video quality of your choice and in most cases it is way below what you would get via torrent sites.
  2. Cheap Subscription: Considering how much I spend on internet activities in a month, I would say $8 for Netflix and $5 for Deezer is quite affordable (it doesn’t look cheap if you’re paying in Naira though. Bloody exchange rate)
  3. Offline Downloads: Most streaming services are offering this option now and the lack of it was one of the reasons why I never got on board with Netflix.
  4. No Ads or Malware Scare: Downloading stuff from the wild comes with its risks but that is a non-issue with these services.
  5. Access to Unlimited Music: I no longer have to turn Google upside down looking for a soundtrack or whatever. I simply let Shazam detect the music and then I download it on Deezer.
  6. Access to Exclusive Movies & Shows: Some shows and movies on Netflix can’t be found elsewhere no matter how hard I’ve searched.
  7. Reduction In Piracy Guilt: LOL

Cons of Netflix and Deezer

  1. Exclusive Album Releases: Due to exclusive contracts with other streaming services like Spotify or Apple, some albums never make it to services like Deezer until many months or years later. (*side eye Beyonce et Taylor Swift*)
  2. Non-transferrable Downloads: Recently I was considering getting the newly released Xiaomi Mi Max 2 and as such I began researching how to transfer my Netflix and Deezer data to another device and guess what, it’s not possible. I’d have to download everything single thing from scratch again. Don’t get me started on the fact that downloading albums on Deezer is a chore. As in there’s no one click button to download all your favorite albums. You have to download each album one by one. Very tedious something. Have I mentioned the money I have to waste in data downloading over 20GB of content? *sighs*. Guess I’m going to be stuck with the Xiaomi Mi5s Plus for a while.
  3. No Compatibility With Fitness Gadgets: I have no idea if Deezer works on android smartwatches but it certainly isn’t compatible with my TomTom Spark Cardio Music. If you work out to music playing from your fitness watch or headset, you still need access to MP3 files.
  4. Region Lock: Orange Is the New Black Season 5 is out and unavailable for me. In fact only the first 2 seasons are available for me to download due to region locks. Certain content are not allowed to be viewed in certain countries due to copyright issues. *walks off to thep******.org*


And this has been my experience with both services over a few months now. As long as I earn enough from this blog to offset my hosting bills and gadget purchases, the Netflix and Deezer subscriptions will stay active.

What has your experience with these services been like? Do please share with us.

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