For quite some time now I’ve been having problem accessing my emails and downloading attachments.
Broadband is a pipe dream here in Nigeria where I come from and reside. One of my email accounts receives so many attachments that it’s quite cumbersome downloading each and every one of them one by one.
Finally I came across Gmail Backup which makes the whole downloading of emails process quite easy.
With an installation file that weighs 4.4MB, Gmail Backup’s interface is quite easy to understand. Simple follow the directions below and you’re good to go.
- Fill in your email address
- Type in your email password
- Click on directory and choose where you want your emails stored
- Using the date format month/day/year, choose the range of emails you want to Gmail Backup to download. That is from what date to start the download from and what date to end it at respectively
- Click on Backup and you’re good to go.
Do please take note of the following
- The program creates a file with the name ids.txt. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. It contains a list of all the emails that has been downloaded by the program. This way you don’t end up downloading emails twice. Only delete this file if you want to re-download your emails again.
- As with some freewares, Gmail Backup ain’t that perfect. It sometimes downloads emails out of the specified range but it’s all good. Doesn’t bother me at all. It still gets the job done for me.
- Gmail Backup doesn’t delete your emails from your server after downloading it so relax. Ur emails are safe.
- Downloaded Emails are saved as eml files and can be opened using Outlook Express, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail and most email applications.
Do have fun using it and let me know if you know of a tool that’s even cooler and most importantly FASTER!
Download Gmail Backup
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