How To Remove The Navigation Bar In Blogger

The navigation bar just above most blogger blogs help readers to follow blogs easily and to navigate to other blogs as well search blogs and all that but then when you think about it, it dawns on you that it’s a waste of traffic.

You’re simply giving your reader an option to leave your blog for someone else’s and that could hurt your readership base.

In my case, the problem was I simply found it disgusting and not in line with what I felt was the perfect looking blog so I got rid of it.

Getting rid of the navigation bar is no rocket science.

Log into your dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML tab >> Backup your template first.
After backing up your template, search for the variable definitions line

Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

and just before it add this piece of code:

#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

Save your template and preview your blog. Your navigation bar should be bye bye now.

P.S: To reactivate the navigation bar, simply follow the above procedure then remove the code
Thanks to Blogger Plugins for the tip.

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