Hacktivist Anonymous Wages War On Child Porn Sites

Child Porn Web Hosting Companies Under Cyber Attack by Anonymous

Webhosts such as Freedom Hosting who offer their hosting business to child porn sites are currently under attack by the activist group, Anonymous which specializes in hacking.

In a recent bid to help put an end to child pornography, the group released a statement to major web hosts. At the moment, the guys behind the wheel at Freedom Hosting seem to be the only target as they’ve been allegedly hosting pedophiles knowingly.

After successfully shutting down Freedom’s shared hosting servers 3 times, they sent out this press release :

The owners and operators at Freedom Hosting are openly supporting child pornography and enabling pedophiles to view innocent children, fueling their issues and putting children at risk of abduction, molestation, rape, and death.

For this, Freedom Hosting has been declared #OpDarknet Enemy Number One.

By taking down Freedom Hosting, we are eliminating 40+ child pornography websites, among these is Lolita City, one of the largest child pornography websites to date containing more than 100GB of child pornography.

We will continue to not only crash Freedom Hosting’s server, but any other server we find to contain, promote, or support child pornography.

Our demands are simple. Remove all child pornography content from your servers. Refuse to provide hosting services to any website dealing with child pornography. This statement is not just aimed at Freedom Hosting, but everyone on the internet. It does not matter who you are, if we find you to be hosting, promoting, or supporting child pornography, you will become a target.

Considering the fact that the US Government as well as Steve Jobs’ Apple have come under attack by this hacktivist in the recent past, it would be nice to see how this plays out with web hosts that fail to heed this warning.


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