An Overview of SocialScope For BlackBerry Application

SocialScope For BlackBerry Review

Some of you might have noticed my increased presence on twitter and facebook over the past couple of weeks and this is all thanks to one social networking mobile phone application that has been around for a while but has been flying under the radar.

I’m talking of none other than SocialScope for BlackBerry.

For months now, I’ve been using Twitter for BlackBerry and Facebook For BlackBerry on my RIM device but the experience hasn’t always been wonderful and that’s why when an online pal sent my invite to download the app with the added promise that it would cut in half the internal memory space occupied by TB and FB, I was quick to give it a try.

Boy was I f**king impressed to the extent I kept bragging about it all day on Twitter. Open-mouthed smile

SocialScope integrates Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and FourSquare all in one place and still manages to stay fabulous and pretty fast. Did I mention that it supports multiple twitter accounts?

Here’s a quick rundown of how the app functions on my BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300 with only one Twitter account and Facebook activated.


  1. Quick Post: This feature is probably my best feature of the app. Socialscope integrates seamlessly into practically every nook and cranny of your BlackBerry device allowing you to update your social network status from anywhere using the Quick Post (SocialScope) entry in the BlackBerry Menu.
  2. One update for all social networks: to increase your social network interaction, Socialscope allows you to post one update to all your social media profiles with one click. I personally use this feature for updating my twitter, facebook and facebook fan pages profile.
  3. Longer Tweets with Image uploads: if you’ve got  a lot to say and don’t want to break them into several tweets, Socialscope allows you to post them all without fuss by relying on a tweet shortening service. Since facebook allows for updates of more than 60,000 characters, only your twitter update will be shortened and what’s more you could also share/upload images with this update too.
  4. Tweet Later: ever being in a situation where you are tweeting, retweeting or replying a tweet only to realize that your BlackBerry Internet Service is down? Well with Socialscope, you can just construct your updates and save them as drafts for posting when the network comes back up.
  5. Basic Twitter and Facebook Features: via your Twitter account, you can tweet, retweet, reply tweets, send DMs, upload pictures, follow and unfollow tweeps, favorite tweets and much more. The same applies to Facebook as you can update your status, view and comment on your friends update, send messages, upload pictures, post on facebook pages etc
  6. No Advertisements: SocialScope has been in beta for a long time now and no news on when it will be out of that phase so for now, it’s AD-FREE but do expect to pay a fee when the app launches for real.


  1. No Facebook Chat: you cannot chat with your facebook friends like is now possible with Facebook For BlackBerry
  2. No Friend Request: You can’t receive or send facebook friend requests
  3. Missing Facebook updates or comments: sometimes when you try reading a facebook update or comment on your status, you get some “query parsing error” stuff like that or that the status cannot be found.

Less I forget, to view your twitter profile or facebook profile/wall simply click on Menu >> More >> My Profile then select which account you want.

SocialScope for now is only available via invites as it’s in private BETA now. To get an invite, simply go to and fill in the little form there.

Do please make sure to contribute your quota to the development of this awesome app by sending feedbacks of errors etc whenever you can via Menu >> Send Feedback.

If I’m lucky to gain access to a few invites, I’ll be sharing with you guys.

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