How To Make Your Internet Connection Run Faster

I’m yet to get an internet connection of my own as I’m located in a part of Nigeria where getting one is quite expensive so for now, I surf the internet at cybercafés around town.

One thing that does hound me is the speed especially when there are some many people there browsing at the same time and because of this I have tweaked my laptop’s internet settings to function optimally giving me a great EDGE above those whose PC/Laptop internet settings are the Microsoft default ones.

Below is a list of links that got me browsing the internet faster. Hopefully when I get my own internet connection, I’ll be floating on air!

Note: They are specifically for Windows Vista users.

Download Vista tcpip.sys and UAC Auto Patcher to Increase TCP Connection Limit

Permanently Turn Off and Disable 64-bit (x64) Windows Vista Forced Driver Signature Signing with ReadyDriver Plus

Optimize and Increase BitTorrent (BT) Download Speed in Vista

Windows Vista tcpip.sys Connection Limit Patch for Event ID 4226

Take your time to digest everything you learn in the links above. One small mistake could cost you dearly e.g. You could end up reformatting your PC. I’m a victim.;)

If you implement the ideas, let me know how it all went for you. Cheers.

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