Opera Mini Makes Its’ Official BlackBerry Appworld Debut

Download Opera Mini Via BlackBerry AppworldLet it be known across the web that March 6, 2012 marked the day BlackBerry manufacturer, Research In Motion, quit tripping and officially listed the immensely popular Opera Mini in its’ application market, BlackBerry Appworld.

Lord God knows why it’s taken them this long to make this official but I’m glad they finally came to their senses. All I can do now is sit back, wait and hope that in the nearest future BlackBerry OS update, we are offered the option of making Opera Mini the default browser for all links.

BlackBerry’s default browser got a major overhaul with the release of BlackBerry OS 6 but despite the multi-tab support and better web page compression, Opera still beats it hands down given that they’ve been a lot more serious when it comes to the web page compression game.

If you don’t have Opera Mini installed on your BlackBerry yet, I highly recommend you do so and experience the ultimate in mobile web browsing speed and minimal mobile  data usage.

For now, the only version available via BlackBerry App Market is Opera Mini 6.5.2. If you are interested in running the latest unofficial Opera Mini for BlackBerry, do please check out Opera Mini Next 7.

NOTE: If you’re fond of downloading large files on your BlackBerry, Opera Mini might not be for you as for most BlackBerry users worldwide, it caps at 5MB meaning you can’t download files larger than that. For such downloads, UC Browser for BlackBerry comes highly recommended. UC Browser is yet to make its Appworld debut till date.

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